Thursday, February 4, 2010

Crazy Penis - Bumcop

Something extremely special today: the awesomeness known as Crazy Penis (or just Crazy P). A live band that blends electronic elements and acoustic instruments in genre-defying music. I call it acoustic house. :) Though it's far from what's generally regarded as "house"...well, that's why they're hard to define.
I would fill an entire page if I were to write about Crazy P in detail, so I'm just gonna let you look details up. Also check all their stuff, because it's great.

It's hard for me to decide about which song to feature, but "Bumcop" took the cake. Especially since I found a live performance video! Enjoy!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Blank & Jones - Breezin'

I'm not in the mood for much talk today, sorry...But I think it won't be necessary. Just listen & enjoy!